Saturday, January 9, 2016

Emilie Demant Hatt Lecture with Slides at Jokkmokk in February

The Jokkmokk Market above the Arctic Circle is a three plus day event February 4-6 that takes place every year--and has for 400 years. In the past Sami gathered in Jokkmokk, Sweden to barter and sell, to pay taxes, and to attend church. Now the Market is a cultural feast of music, arts, lectures, films, and lots of outdoor activities as well. See more at

This year on Friday, February 5, at 11:30 a.m. I'll be talking (indoors, in the museum) about the Danish ethnographer and artist Emilie Demant Hatt. I'm excited to share my research and show slides of her beautiful paintings. Please join me in Jokkmokk if you like cold, frost, and hot drinks, as well as a chance to experience some of the best of Sami culture today.

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